How to Introduce Essential Oils into Your Lifestyle This New Year

If you’ve been thinking about introducing essential oils into your lifestyle, starting in the new year is the perfect time. The start of the new year is typically when we try to instill new, healthier habits into our lives, which makes it perfect for discovering the joys of essential oils. So, if you’re looking for the best ways to introduce yourself to essential oils, this is the right place to be. Check out these five ways to start using your essential oils this new year.

Start with the Highest Quality Oils You Can Find

You want your first experience with essential oils to be a good one. So, don’t sell yourself short—buy high-quality oils. You want to look for an essential oils company that ensures all points of the manufacturing process, from the harvesting to the distillation and bottling process, are as ethical as possible. In this case, trusting a large and well-known company is probably your best bet.

Get Yourself a Diffuser That Works for You

Diffusing essential oils is an excellent way to create aromatic environments in your home to match your mood. Choose a diffuser that works for you, whether you’re diffusing a lavender essential oil to create a peaceful evening atmosphere or a lively lemon scent to invigorate your morning. You can choose between several types that range from humidifying diffusers to nebulizing diffusers and more.

Infuse Your Home Atmosphere with Botanical Aromas

There is a different botanical for every room in the house. The best essential oil companies even offer blends that are excellent for diffusing throughout your home and helping you create the atmosphere you need to succeed in whatever you do. Consider filling your home office with focusing scents like frankincense or create a welcoming aromatic environment in the living room with chamomile and wild orange.

Add Your Oils to Your Cleaning Routine

Another easy way to infuse your lifestyle with a little more nature is to use purifying essential oils like tea tree oil in your home cleaning supplies. Doing so can help you reduce chemicals and use more natural ingredients in your home. Use your new tea tree cleansing solution to wipe down surfaces and add a clean scent to your freshly cleaned home.

Get Spicy in the Kitchen and Infuse Your Favorite Foods

You can even use your essential oils to add an extra dose of flavor to your kitchen creations. Add an extra dose of aromatic basil to your homemade marinara sauce or make lemon blueberry muffins that sing directly from the oven with some quality lemon essential oil. Just make sure that your oils are safe for consumption before you start cooking. But the kitchen and the rest of your home are the perfect places to start using your essential oils in your everyday lifestyle.

About doTERRA

doTERRA is the top purveyor of pure and potent essential oils countless people around the globe use to enhance their aromatic environments and lifestyles. Every step of their essential oil process, from harvesting the botanicals to the distillation process and even the bottling process, ensures you get the highest quality product possible. doTERRA offers an extensive website filled with information, tips, and DIY recipes so you can always get the absolute most out of your essential oil collection. It’s time to upgrade your essential oil experience and trust doTERRA to help you create an environment you'll love. Start making healthier daily decisions, too, with products like turmeric capsules. Embrace the power of botanicals with doTERRA by your side.

Find the highest quality essential oils to introduce this new year at


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